2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Solana Poem

For years and years,
King Eth ruled the crypto:
A land of freedom with no centre to uphold.
But kings are challenged
As history narrates,
So emerged Solana
To take over the days.

‘Yet another challenger,’ the crowd sneered.
Little did they know,
Sol has soared higher than they dared.

With the Sword of Low Fee,
It served its first blow;
Lo! She fatally wounded the high Eth,
Then climbed the market stairs
To the Crypto Throne.

To the top she climbed
But then came her tragic fall.
Alas! Her master had gone wrong:
The royal FTX vault was now empty,
Sol’s wings were also broken.
How could she fly when her wings were gone?
Yet she was not forlorn.

This tragedy dragged her
From a thirty and hundred dollars to nine;
But her comrades were here
To rebuilt what was lost.

‘It was not easy,’ they say,
Yet they worked with iron will.
Solana’s smiths built for her to fly again,
Lamport DAO also gave his hand.
They build and fought the fears of the market land,
As the legend says.

Revolts also broke to restore the Eth clan,
But Sol also had a mighty hero in Mert.
With battle cries of ‘wao,’
They won what they desired.

Back into action, Sol came with a device:
The SAGA Mobile Phone gave a new premise
To those watchful critique eyes.
Words of sham in video or text
Could not hold her still,
She soared higher and higher
Despite all the words that were ill.

“Their” wounds were fatal too,
But an army so large went overlooked.
Yet when Sol’s clan was injured
All eyes deemed her unfit.
Oh! What an injustice of mind;
But the joke’s on them,
Cause bleeding they fought with greater power.

Come what may,
BONK coins or Dog wif Hat,
Our soldiers are here to ticker and fight.
Rising up and leading together,
Sol would fly like you never will.

